kute234 from i live in texas!! and would love to swim with dolphins in florida!!! 

Member since Sep 24, 2011
I'm a big fan of sandra bullock! she is an awesome actress!! and someday i hope to meet her in person!! :)
I wanna become a model!!!
Music: COUNTRY MUSIC!!! cus im a country gal!! I also love listening to hip hop in another words kiss fm!!!
Movies: My favorite movie is '' the proposal '' beacause it has sandra bullock in that movieand because in my opinion thats her best movie! My second favorite movie is we bought a zoo!!!
About Me: I love animals especially panda bears and otters. I am looking for someone with a scence of humor is nice makes good grades and loves animals to! I am a girl that loves to have fun and hang out with my friends and go the mall. People describe me as funny