lai1324 from trinty park harbour drr 96 blue waters

Member since Oct 25, 2012
I'm a big fan of one direction, taylah swift,nick majan ,Justin bieber,
I wanna i want to be a pop star ,swim with the dolphins and be a super model
Music: call me maybe,one thing ,that's what makes you beautiful,never say never,we are never getting back together,party girls,shut up and kiss me
Movies: beauty and the geek,don't tell the bride,four weddings,my braziled life simpson, furtramar ,famliy guide ,amercan dad
About Me: hi i am tia marya and i am 8years old and go to trinity beach state school i have 100 friend my techer is miss mullens i love animals i have a puppy,turtle and a fish i love to desing clothes and go shopping i love hanging out with my bffffls yasie