lilbb34 from mode: confuseeed

Member since Jun 19, 2011
I'm a big fan of POOWER &&' i DONT HAVE A PHONEE WTF!!!!!!greaat havent got on instagram inna whileee damn i miss taLkin too youu boy .YAHMIR!!!!
I wanna i wanna get a whole bunch of my FRIEnds names and HAng TH3m On my wall. ( ILOVE @ll my bff ~} ~ PUNK ROCK ROLL
Music: wind it by justin beieber <andd ladies love meh <andy grammer finee by meh <lullaby lateeya >auburn perfect two >yeaaaaaaaaaa
Movies: KILLING ; PHSYCO PATHZ ;;; AND LOV#e people who ar3 * bysexual ove those killing stabbing and shooting mostly killing LIKE CHILLER ^ 0 ^ ^ 0^
About Me: heello im 13 years old && i LOVE IDIRECTION likeee LOUIS & NIAL & LIAM &ZAYNE & MY FAVORITE HARRY STYLES I LOVEEEEE HIM && THEREE SONQQS LIKE iwant, na na , up all night, what makes you beautiful && some moree sonqqs buut i forqet ..soooo yeea