lindzay8 from theyre ur bestfriends dont let their old friendship get in the way of ur newly built one.. mood:sad

Member since May 18, 2010
I'm a big fan of people, friends, family, living, breathing, texting, talking, writting stories,skiing (but im afriad of going down big hills cuz ive had some bad experiences), some people that im not saying their names,spondgebob and patrick!!,skimboarding (well learning
I wanna tRaVEl To alL 50 StatES, hAVe fuN, cOok witH oUt seTtInG sOMetHiNg oN fIrE, LIvE tiLl iM 103, beCoMe a tEen, LiVe.lAuGh.lOve!siNGinG TiLl BlUE, lAuGhing tiLl i FAinT, gOing tO SpaCE WiThoUt gEtTiNg SiCk!
Music: all time low, paramore, HEY MONDAY!! (ik ppl who have been on their tour bus and have gotten their autographs :O), Carrie underwood, taylor swift, kris allen, 30H!3, ke$ha! and many others!!
Movies: (there r also shows) the blinde side, wizards of Waverly Place, american idol, house, pretty little liars, The Middle, gLee <3, Drake and Josh, Full House!!The secret life of the Ameican teenager
About Me: i female! BC,JM,CD,JN,SM,AL, forever! Green is AmAzInG! Friends rock! quotes=life! Music=love! School=awesome...so nvr drop out!! Basketball=life=love! texting my peeps,making fun of my friends who blew up a toilet,playing a top secret note game!FlIrTY<3