lolaTaylorSwift3 from Earth

Member since Jun 18, 2010
I'm a big fan of Taylor Swift, Taylor Launtner, Cody, Katy Perry, Lady GaGa, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miranda Cosgrove, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Debby Ryan, and finally the love of my life which is Justin C. who is actually my boyfriend♥♥♥
I wanna meet Taylor Swift and be a fashion designer
Music: Jump then Fall, Untouchable, Come in with the rain, Superstar, The otherside of the door, Fearless, Fifteen, Love Story, Hey Stephen, White Horse, You Belong with Me, Breathe, You're Not Sorry, The Best Day, Change.
Movies: Valentine's Day, and the Twilight Saga
About Me: My favorite singer is Taylor Swift, I'm goth, I have a boyfriend named Justin C. , I am in a band called " The Darkness is Coming," and I'm mysterios, goth, sexy, hot, and not looking forward to a relationship with anyone else but my boyfriend♥♥♥
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