love in the air
love in the air from arizona baby thats where i was born yup

Member since Jun 09, 2010
I'm a big fan of Justin Bieber and Rhianna and Chris Brown a little bit cuz he is a man better........................................................................ and Zac Efron
I wanna be a police woman and work at a hospital and be a kids nears and be a life guarued but i cant do that all at one time but i would have a lot of money.................................................
Music: baby,let it burn,bees on my head,OMG,merry j bloeg,rap,jazz,thats all i like rock and roll to..............................
Movies: sherck the final chapter,alvin and the chipmucks,alvin and the chipmucks the sqecuels
About Me: i have a boyfriend named sunshine his real name is nick baby and i am like so in love with him him and me are both 13 and h egoes to a camp at cogdill recereation center and yeah and today he touched my ass and he sqesed it it fellt good i almost died a
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