lulubunny87 from in the middle of nowhere

Member since Jul 09, 2012
I'm a big fan of no one. im not into star crushes or any of that other (insert word here).
I wanna sleep, eat, play, watch my favorite TV show, draw a picture, read a book, go on a date, ride a rollercoaster, talk to my friends, climb a tree, mess around on the comp., and all that other good stuff.
Music: maroon 5, classical, and others. i dont think there's really any specific bands or anything that i can name other than maroon 5. all my music is on youtube XD.
Movies: there are too many movies that ive seen, liked, and said were my favorite to really name.
About Me: from what you've read above (if you bothered to read it at all) i may seem boring, but i assure you that i am not. i am simply a random internet nerd.
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