macyspan from Down at the barn

Member since Jun 22, 2010
I'm a big fan of My horse Ransom =)
I wanna READ READ READ (and watch the hunger games movie =D)
Music: CoUnTrY is my lifeee!!!!! I HATE most pop and metal and screamo and wat not =( Im in love with Luke Bryan, Jake Owen, Miranda Lambert, Kenny Chesney, Blake Shelton, etc. But if you ask I shall send message with the others
Movies: The Karate Kid 1-3, The ( new ) Karate Kid, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Despicable Me, Grownups, Harry Potter ( All except the last one i didnt c =( ), and LOTS more ( I watch lots of movies :P )
About Me: I luf books! The hunger games (all three) twilight (all) warrior cats (all) lots more! I read always!!!!! kay bye