midnightwolf from y u wanna know?!!! <.<

Member since Apr 15, 2011
I'm a big fan of Well,heres stuff about me instead of im a fan of whatever. to start, im partly emo i mean the hurting yourself thing,and when i finally stopped hurting myself, when my friend made me mad i pushed her and i hit her and went all out on her at school.. so i
I wanna thought it was better to take the anger and stress and sadness out on myself instead of my friends sooo i started again. im not really the style, but im am the hurting yourself thing.. or cutting yourself thing is what it is
Music: i like alot of music. i like eminem, linkinpark, ke$ha(sometimes),ummm..... i also like who i like. soooo u know. well..... u dont but just whatever.
Movies: let the right one in a foreign film that has words or whatever on the screen so u what they sayin.
About Me: i am just a girl trying to live her life and deal with the drama. im just a girl thats different and is in the shadows. im just a girl, trying to be me. im still sort of emo and im suicidal. sadly im only 10
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