mindless123 from Atlanta,GA

Member since Feb 10, 2012
I'm a big fan of I'm a big fan of me, America, and chicken!!!#Team single #Team hungry as * #team freak #Team Twerk 4 Life!
I wanna I wanna meet drake, Chris brown, TreySongz, diggy, mindless behavior, beyonce,lil Wayne but only a little bit. Nicki minaj too if only she was my age the things I would do! Just kidding. I love hello kitty, domo, food, candy, and anything that has sugar i
Music: Hip-Hop, rap, R&B, sad songs. I have a wide variety of music but you will never ever and I mean never find me bumpin to some country,rock or white people music.
Movies: I watch all types of movies. Especially funny movies because I laugh so much that I start crying. I hate watching scary movies they give me nightmares. I bet your saying that she is such a little kid but their scary as hell. And if you got something to sa
About Me: I have multiple personalities. People always think I'm bipolar but I'm not. I hate when people make racist comments because it offends me . I'm mixed with black, white, Cherokee, and dominoquin I think that's how you spell it but I don't give as slight tw
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