oddpupts from Tennessee

Member since May 17, 2009
I'm a big fan of Anime, manga, yaoi(if you don't know don't ask wait better yet look it up on Google images *evil laugh*) hehe OK MOVING ON! Kingdom Hearts, Maximum the Hormone, drawing, and writing stories
I wanna live my life to the fullest. I wanna take chances cause they might not be there tomorrow. Remember this "Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday"
Music: rock, punk, scremo, emo, some pop, pretty much anything on electric 94.9, Japanese and i think thats it
Movies: The Death Note movies, Pans Labyrinth, The Labyrinth (haha David Bowie is the Goblin King! *snicker* all you Demyx Time fans understand that)
About Me: Name:Tasha (pronounced tah-shh-ah) *:girl Age: 13 grade:8th if you want to know more about me shoot me an email at tashadeela@yahoo.com but please no spam! PLAESE!!! pretty please with sugar on top *sounding like a 4yr old* but please no spam BYE!