onewithrussia from thunderclan

Member since May 29, 2010
I'm a big fan of warrior cats, anime, manga,tim burton,darkkokiri,allikatnya,tehmana,lionessjenna,tackyanimationsx3,tribbleofdoom...alot and alot of animators i cant go through the list,and also stain boy is an awsome animation X3
I wanna be an animatior or a alternitive rock singer
Music: vocaloid,miku hastune, akita neru, kasane teto, rin and len kagamine, Akaito, Evesence, green day, fall out boy and others, J-pop,J-rock, Haku Yowane, Taito, Kaito, luka megerine, say anything...ETC
Movies: anime movies like spirited away,my neighbor totoro kiki's delivering serivis, princess monoke. loin king, the dissapearence of harhui suzumyia,hetalia:paint it white <3 also anything by tim burton X3
About Me: i just am a weird girl who likes weird things and wants to be an animator just because my user name is onewithrussia does not mean i am a commie i hate commies im just a huge hetalia fangirl and my favorite character is Russia <3 oh yeah hetalia<3
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