pinkez4 from I live in New York, Queens.

Member since Feb 05, 2011
I'm a big fan of my favorite show, ''Teen Wolf'', MTV, Say Yes To The Dress, Team Jacob, Fruits, Salad, Apple Pie, Justin Bieber, Zac Efron, Hanging Out With My Friends, Dylan O'Brien, and much more.
I wanna go to a Taylor Swift concert one day or meet any other astonishing celebrity.
Music: I love all types of music except 4 hardcore cursing songs.
Movies: My favorite movies are 17 Again, The Spy Next Door, The Smurfs, Rio, Flipped and much more. I do not like Twilight but I really wanted to see the last 2.
About Me: My real name is Sandy. I was born on September 1, 1999. I am currently 13 yrs old. I go to M.S.226. I am in eight grade now. I am in class 803, an ARP class. I love junk food but i am not fat, I'm around 85-90 pounds. I also love playing with electronics.