pucca12341 from The World That Never Was - FOREVER ALONE ♥ "Lightning. It flashes bright, then fades away. It can't Protect, it only Destroys." -Final Fantasy, Claire Farron 

Member since Apr 04, 2010
I'm a big fan of Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy♥Anime,Fantasies,Magic,SoulEater,Twilight♥ Wreck it Ralph, Bow-ties, PoohBear(Seriously. LOL), Fairytales, Kim Possible <3
I wanna Start over my LIFE in the world of KINGDOM HEARTS [xP] "Er... be Realistic Bro," -.- ("Geek" -- "LOLOL. NO." -.-t)
Music: ARTISTS: Jay Park, BIG BANG, G-Dragon, Girls Generation, Nicki Minaj, Carly Rae Jepsen, Rihanna, Lee-Hi, Ailee, NIGHTCORE, Utada Hikaru, ETC... ~ SONGS: One more Night, As long as you love me, Sanctuary, Simple and Clean, When can I see you again, Payphon
Movies: ~Fantasy,Action,Comedy,Super Natural,Mystery,Magic.~ Alice in Wonderland(Real Ver.) Wreck-it-Ralph <3, Identity Thief, The Hobbit, Once Upon a Time, The Neighbors, Twilight, The Fosters, Twisted, Etc...
About Me: Call me Shion! Kingdom Hearts Freak; Not a Nerd/Geek (NoJustNo) -.-".14 Yrs. Old.Friendly.Random.Silly.Live.Laugh.Love + YOLO.Fairytales + Fantasy.Wears GEEKY GLASSES.Asian :P.Music is my Life.Add me.
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