roserocker from I think my shoulder is broken. Dance class broke it.... I think. OWWWWW!

Member since Aug 20, 2011
I'm a big fan of swimming, music, dancing,singing, movies, writing,books, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and fighting.
I wanna be an Artist, be immortal.
Music: The band perry, b.o.b, one republic, Selena Gomez, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, Lady Gaga, Pink, Maroon 5, and Owl City, Shontelle, and Jason Deroulo
Movies: Percy Jackson, , Twighlight, and Harry Potter.
About Me: Hi, my name is Deliah.( im a gurl) I love animals, movies, , swimming, music, reading and dancing. My favoirte colors are Lime Green, , Black, and Gray. I hate tests,girly girls and pertending to be someone i'm not. And i'm not a girly girl or anything
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