samanthapandaw from Alaska. yes, alaska is in the united states. you are so smart for figuring that out.

Member since Oct 27, 2011
I'm a big fan of Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley. and Little Red Riding Hood.
I wanna go to england, become an art teacher, become a black belt in karate, learn to play the drums, go to japan, learn a fourth language
Music: Taylor Swift, They Might Be Giants, Bring me to Life by Evanescene, Blue Lips by Regina Spektor, One Republic
Movies: Harry Potter 1-7 part 2, Tangled, Megamind, Alice In Wonderland (the one with Johnny Depp)
About Me: I love Grimms Fairy Tales, sarcasm, and real vampires. and i'm kind in a cruel heartless kind of way. :) oh yeah. my taste in music was greatly influenced by my sister, who introduced me to good music.
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