sbuice16 from Nonya, Bisnuss

Member since Jun 25, 2010
I'm a big fan of SELENA GOMEZ(Goin to her concert in Aug.!Woot Woot!), Avril Lavinge, Lady GaGa, Justin Beiber, Demi Lovato, Katy Perry and much MuCh MUCH more!
I wanna Do nothing all day which i already do
Music: Selena Gomez:Who Says,Shake it Up Ke$hia:Tik Tok,Ur luv is my Drug,Blah blah Blah,We r Who We r KSM:Premisson To Party,Don't Rain On My Parade,Saturdays And Suundays,Best Friends Forever Katy Perry:California Girls,Thinking of You I just HATE New Mornin
Movies: Any Tim Burton Movie(Beetle Juice,Coraline,Nightmare Before Christmas,Edward Scissorhands,etc.)
About Me: One emo goth punk rocker here.Blak blak blak hair thts really really really dark with a blonde panel on my bangs and all the way around the bottom of my hair.Also blonde highlights.Its actully a platnuim blonde.Sea green eyes and tannish skin.I <3 my bf,