selena11ortiz from brooklyn newyork

Member since Apr 21, 2011
I'm a big fan of ariaina grande , and, taylor swift, michael jackson, ,demi lovote, ke$ha nicki minaji brittany spears, and frank ocean <3 drake trey songz lil wayne
I wanna fashion designer, or a writer i don't know yet
Music: blow,we cant shut up, as long asyou love me, thinking about you by frank ocean, starships, grenade, it will rain, i will always love you, climax, heart attack, mercy,i am your leader, take it the head, mirror, hyfr by drake, pop that, gangdam style
Movies: i can do bad all by my self, by tyler perry the movie scary movie , twitches, and prom night, friday, P2, case 24, cornered, easy A, letters to juelit, sparkle,
About Me: you dont need to know my name but i'll just share a little maybe uhm i like candy i am 12! uhm fave color purple i <3 books music uhm i like to draw, i <3 the song thinking about you and call me maybe well message me op op opa gangdam style
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