skilar from ohio,winton place

Member since Dec 26, 2010
I'm a big fan of lil wayne,drake and nicki minaj, rhianna,wiz kalifia, lil wayne
I wanna swim with the dolphins,become a super fashion star and have photos with me and my friends on it to say ''bff's'',, i want to direct movies+star in them and finnaly have money and have a happily family
Music: cris brown,nicki minaj,lil wanye.beyoncae,selena gomez,and drake
Movies: mask,mask2,mask3,scary movies,writing to julet,just go with it,and me you and depree,panronorman,men in black 3,mars needs moms,pitch perfect,twilight,twilight 2 and all the other movies,ted, shrek,the advengers, iron man, captin america, red robin hood,h
About Me: i like to be on the cmputer.im very active.i like taking pictures and i have a very expressful imagination.i love my self i love going out to dinner and dancing.