slabbers from ..... 12345 GINGERBREADLANE.

Member since Apr 04, 2012
I'm a big fan of walk the moon <3 , young the giant , florence + the machine , foster the people , the xx , phantogram , pheonix , amtrac , M G M T , peter bjorn , kid kudi , childish gambino , passion pit , ... KAY FOLKS THERE'S MUCH MORE .. YOU GET EHT I LUF MUSIC. kay
I wanna LOVE YOU. and your mom, er your dad, or your peeps. <_ > i wanna eat some twizlerrz. bye , ima go get some. c:
Music: ... W T ` . it's up there folks UP THERE ALTERNITAVE MUSICK UP THERE ^^.
Movies: whole lotta sumthin. translation - im just lazy.
About Me: epic and sum more stuff. YOU HILLBILLY GET OFF MY PAGE <3