slushiesnowraccoon from in hell-raises a pitch fork(':

Member since Oct 04, 2012
I'm a big fan of three days grace,linkin park,disturbed,raccoons,snow leopards,furries,dragons,arts and crafts,music,movies,video games,gothic boys,country boys,older boys,pokemon,sonic the hedghog,skate boarding,foot ball.baskit ball.pepsi,wwe wrastling,tna impact,tap ou
I wanna go to the furrie conventions,go on the yearly furrie cruises,i want a pet snow leopard,i want a pet raccoon and frog,i want to be a veternarian when i get out of school and i want to get back with my ex shantee winkler :'(
Music: punk rock,classic rock,death metal,pop,and country(:
Movies: too many to put lolz but i like animal movies,comadys,anime,and romace.
About Me: hey,my name is slushie but my real name is christina but my birthday is november 13th i was born in 1996,i`m a pokemon freak,and im in love with a guy named shantee ^ as you may see:'( -cryies-but ttyl for now.
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