smileydiva555 from MEET chris brown

Member since Apr 28, 2012
I'm a big fan of Chris Brown ,Monica ,Brandy,and Justin Bieber, Katie Perry , Emile Sande.
I wanna have a backstage pass to every concert of my biggest fans!
Music: Monica and Brandy it all belongs to me ,Chris Brown another round and the crawl, dont judge me, Justin Bieber as long as you love me, Katie Perry wide awake Emile Sande next to me amd more.
Movies: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, the lorax . hairspray .hugo, and unfortunate events! and Moesha
About Me: I love to hang out with people and going swimming ,reading,listening to music,and shopping . and being with family sometimes! p.s. I Love God Who Created All Things!!!!!!!!!!!
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