snowflake02 from ARIZONA! The Grand Canyon State! <3 | or My home sweet home :D

Member since Dec 22, 2014
I'm a big fan of Taylor Swift!! <3, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry , Converse,Mustaches :P, My family , Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, WWE, Paris, Converse, Peanut M&Ms , Christmas, Cardinals AZ!! :D
I wanna Meet Taylor Swift , Go To Paris Or Monte Carlo,Tavel The World,Be A Millionare, Fly, Become A Nurse,Meet Ariana Grande, go to london, see how heaven looks
Music: Taylor Swift- Blank Space,Shake it off , Welcome to New York, I Know Places, Style, Problems, Love me for me, never ever getting back together, red , christmas music
Movies: Mean Girls, The fault in our stars, the notebook, la bamba, edward scissorhands, twilight series, napolean dynamite, selena
About Me: HeY! <3 I Love making new friends so add me and liltwishy9! I love iceskating, babies, roses, taylor swift, and christmas! My Fave color is BLUE! :D I cant Whistle. :( I play a string instrument which is a violin! I am a Winter baby so please ADD ME! XOXO
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