soyakaze from another world..

Member since Nov 09, 2009
I'm a big fan of Tatsurou(mucc), yaoi, Toboso Yana, Minase Masara, Minami Haruka, Hazuki Kanae,...
I wanna be a manga artist? maybe!!!! >.<
Music: MUCC, Merry, Girugamesh, NoGoD, Plastic Tree, SIGNAL, the GazettE, MoNoLith, SPYAIR, GOOSEHOUSE,..
Movies: sen to chihiro no kamikakushi, howl no ugoku shiro, kung fu panda, mostly cartoons >..<
About Me: well...Hello there^^ I'm a 17 years old, lazy, teenager and I'm a girl(I think -_-)! I usually waste my time watching anime, reading manga, drawing or dressing up the dollies around here... ''>.>