suckmyclock from Butthole of the universe.

Member since Jun 04, 2011
I'm a big fan of Jeffree Star, Hayley Williams, Cassadee Pope, Paramore, Orange hair dye, I<3Boobies bracelets, Band posters, Hoola hoops, Youtube, Shane Dawson, Tumblr, Cardigans, Converse, Digital cameras, Fountain pens, Snow globes, Superman, Lynx deodorant, Pale skin.
I wanna Move as far away from here as possible, meet Hayley Williams and live. Just live><
Music: A day to remember, Paramore, The pretty reckless, Black veil brides, Nevershoutnever, Biffy Clyro, Owl City, Slipknot, 3 doors down, Green Day, Hey Monday, Death cab for cutie, Cute is what we for, Blink182, Fall out boy, Panic! At the disco.
Movies: Life as a house, The notebook, Moulin Rouge, Little miss sunshine, Mean girls, The green mile, The loved ones, Disney's Alice in wonderland, Tangled, etc.
About Me: I'm Storm, I'm bisexual, I'm from England. S'all you need to know.
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