superemo25 from london,england/ the uk

Member since May 03, 2010
I'm a big fan of emo people and goth people and of corse TWLILGHT TEAM EDWARD of corse i luv vampires! and ELMO!!!!!
I wanna MaRrY EmMeTt CuLlEn...EdWaRd CuLlEn'S BrOtHeR :]
Music: JUSTIN BIEBER,AnDy SiXx, MiChEaL jAcKsOn,BlOoD oN tHe DaNcE fLoOr,CaNdY LaNd,AnD BlAcK vEiLeD bRiDeS :D
Movies: twlilght new moon eclipse breaking dawn alice in wonderland night mare on elm street the brand new 1 and all of the friday the 13th muvies and jason gose 2 hell all of tha final destanations expacially tha 3rd 1 orphan the last excersisim and easy a xD
About Me: My name is ERIN i am 18 i jus turned 18 xD (9-22-10)...I luv elmo wit all mah <3...i luv paramore bvb katy perry and blood on the dance floor. mah bffl is vampgirl4evr!
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