suzumiyasama from Pennslyvania

Member since Mar 29, 2012
I'm a big fan of Hetalia, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Japan, Kawaii things, Lolita, Kuro Lolita, History, Anime, Otakus, Lucky star, Yaoi, Jigoku shoujo, Vocaloid, K-on!, Elfen lied, My neighbor totoro, Ponyo, Black butler, PSG, Gorillaz, 2D, Murdoc,
I wanna visit Japan one day :) I want to become a translator :D
Music: Anime OSTS. World is mine, Why won't you call me yet?, Last night Good night, triple baka, Love is war, Draw a circle that's the world, Super driver!, Runaway, Lilium, Si deus me relinquit,
Movies: Paint it white!, Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro, spirited away,
About Me: Hi! :D My name is Jessica, I live in Pennsylvania :P. My Tumblr is full of Anime and what not. It CAN be NSFW at times, but other then that..It's pretty much Hetalia and other Animes ≧∇≦ I used to take German and Chinese class. Follow my other tumb
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