tmstewart11 from Umm . HOUMA 

Member since Mar 29, 2012
I'm a big fan of Rihanna & LMFAO .
I wanna i WANNA met chris BROWN ((:
Music: Adele . Chris Brown . Nicki Minaj . WIllow Smith . Trey Songz . Kevin Gates . Taylor Swift . Lil - Wayne . Drake . and MORE .
Movies: my FAVORITE movie in the WIDE WIDE WORLD is TITANIC !!
About Me: I' M crazy & FUNNY . i have the CUTEST brother in the WIDE WIDE WORLD (: my FAVORITE cousin is CARLLIN . uhh my bestFRIEND is alivia . iiiiii LOVE VANS â•âˆ©â•®ï¼ˆï¸¶ï¸¿ï¸¶ï¼‰â•âˆ©â•®
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