

Member since May 03, 2010
I'm a big fan of i am a big fan of justein beiber,hannah montanna,jonas brothers,selena gomez, demi lavoto, ashaley tinsdale,zach efron,chrisbrown,lil wyane beyonce micheal jackson,alisha keys,usher,bow-wow.romeo,omarion,drake,t-pain,trey songs nd lots more othas
I wanna be rich nd older so i can do wht eva i wnt to do,go swimmin wit my franz,meret justin beibr, be a singer,nd lots othas :]
Music: r nd b, country,hip-hop,rapo nd more
Movies: swcary movies,funny movies,movies on television,da chettahs grlz,hannah montanna da move, jonas brothers, the date movie,
About Me: i am 12 years old, my b-day iz september 4 1997, my favorite color iz blue i have lots of franz nd lotz of ppl dat lke me i have a boy name jacques aka jt dat lke me but hey i get it all da tme i have a bestie name tyriell aka tete,skittle,nik nik she iz