whitelostkiss from anywhere were your at my love

Member since Aug 28, 2011
I'm a big fan of Brenton Thwaites + Indiana Evans <3 <3 PRETTY LITTLE LIARS ,beauty gurus,Taylor Lautner, THE HUNGER GAMES, Peeta, Jennifer Lawrence, Bruno Mars, , Leonardo Decapprio,Kristen Stuart, Anna Sophia Rob, Zac Efron, TVD!!
I wanna be a billionair so freaken bad
Music: Nicki Minaji, Bruno Mars, Taio Cruz, Neyo and Pitbul,, Chris Brown, New Boys, Rhianna, Christina, Aguilera, Demi Lovato Britney Spears,van halen, Lupe fiasco, the black keys, Far East Movement, Maroon 5, the beatles, Ed sheeran, john legend, sam smith
Movies: The Twilight saga, THE HUNGER GAMES, Grease, Titanic, She's the Man,The Poker House, Grownups, 21 and Over,The Outsiders, divergent, White House Down , Beastly, Inception, Transformers, beautiful creatures ,The Blue Lagoon:the awakening
About Me: I'm just good
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