winner2676 from New Jersey, Hollywood, New York, Conneticut, London [ shout out to mommy ]

Member since Mar 03, 2012
I'm a big fan of Nicki Minaj, Chris Brown, Avril Lavigne, Big Sean, Lil Wayne, Drake [ in love ], Rihanna, Beyonce, Katy Perry, and Tyga, and many more just not on my mind.
I wanna be a good person but mess with me and dont expext a fight cuz im a black chick raised in New Jersey what you expext. I would also love to start my own company. [ ready started ]
Music: The motto, Rack city, he said she said, What the hell, Umbrella, Hyfr, Dance [ass],Starships, Super bass, many more
Movies: The lorax, Paranormal activity, crazy movie, Dumb and dumber, Madagascar,
About Me: Im a black chick raised in new jersey. In a gangsta neighborhood so plz dont mess with me . I love my peeps they mean alote to me but ppl who wnat to join my group plz contact me on a place call Facebook and those bitches wo have nothing betta to do then
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