xDeathNotex from Why should I tell ya stalker XP 

Member since Oct 27, 2012
I'm a big fan of Death Note, Black Blood Brothers, Fairy Tail, Hellsing (Original and Ova), Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji), Basically anime. Im a MAJOR Otaku XD
I wanna I really want to meet Crispin Freeman (Alucard's Dubbed Voice Actor For Hellsing Ova).
Music: I really like Japenese music, I know what some of the words mean and I can sing really well in japenese. I can sing the first Soul Eater opening, Tapioca No Uta, and Black and White from the Kuroshitsuji ( Black Butler) Musical 2. All kinds of Japenese so
Movies: I dont really like movies...
About Me: Im a Otaku. Enought said XD
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