xXvaMpr3ssXx from kuwait

Member since Sep 16, 2011
I'm a big fan of lil wayne, chris brown, adam lambert, evanescense, lil john and eminem.
I wanna sleep 4 a thousand years :p
Music: all song of: lil wayne, chris brown, eminem, sean paul, lil john, evanescense and i luv t-pain and pitbull.
Movies: fast five, the grudge, the eye, paranormal activity, mary and max, final destination, rush hour 3, the ring, saw, the orphan, the lovely bones, dark water, love and basketball, twilight, real steel and johnny english.
About Me: umm what can i say i can't live without music and I'M ME ;p FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER:: @VaMpr3ssXHeaRt1
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