xshadi_say_RAWRx from New Braunsful, Texas >_<

Member since Jun 13, 2010
I'm a big fan of Slipknot
I wanna meet shane dawson
Music: brokencyde, bring me the horizon, eyes set to kill, pantera, metallica, hawthorne heights, staind, korn, slipknot, nickasaur, fall out boys, linkin park, disturbed, a skylight drive, blind melon, theory of a dead man, chevelle, breaking benjamin, pearl ja
Movies: anything with vampires in it(but not twilight) i like gory stuff i like alice in wounder land, edward scissor hands, stepbrothers, woodcock, house bunny, * O_O hahahahahahahahahahaha jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjjkjjkkJAYYYKAYYY hahahahahaha ok anywayzzzz ya
About Me: hello ppl my name is shadi mcdonald im 14 bi and damn well pround of it i love almost everybody im emo/goth/punk my fav color is black and purple. Ok well if u have any ? just ask u can hit me up at shadi.mcdonald@yahoo.com or myspace.com/shadi.mcdonald
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