xxLoveMeDeadxx from Ontario//mood: ☮// status: taken// pic: my fat kitty bbys <3 x3

Member since May 21, 2012
I'm a big fan of music,dying my hair,you~♥,talking to myself,fedoras,anime, stripes,pastel colors, being random, ☥ making new friends that will gladly accept my love and more~☯Zack ♥, Izzi love ya izzibear!, zacky yes ferrets are quite cute
I wanna travel ✈
Music: ♪♫♬ Ed Sheeran,Ludo,Panic at the disco, fall out boy, breathe carolina,falling in reverse, escape the fate,mister owl/eatmewhileimhot!, nevershoutnever!, my chemical romance, hellogoodbye, all time low, a rocket summer, snow patrol, etc.
Movies: thats like way to hard to say theres SO MANY
About Me: hey there! name's Elleina. call me Elli or El or whatever.♥ im 17. im bi. gotta a problem then kindly gtfo~ im a nice person. taken by Sexyzack ily. add me mkay? peaceskies ✌
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