xxXKrystalXxx from Mansfield, Texas

Member since Jul 26, 2009
I'm a big fan of Neon Trees, Kurt Cobain, Jennifer Lawrence, and my amazing boyfriend Tyler. (:
I wanna Get a new apartment to raise my baby in when he/she is born. The one we're in now is a little on the ghetto side haha.
Music: I love all different kinds of music. There's hardly anything I won't listen to. I think music takes up more room in my brain than anything else. (:
Movies: I don't really watch a lot of movies. But I have been more now, because of my boyfriend. I do love Harry Potter though. Right now, I'm just a little obsessed with The Hunger Games. Anything with Jennifer Lawrence. She's so great. And Divergent. I LOVE tha
About Me: I'm currently 20 years old. I live with my amazing boyfriend, Tyler. (hopefully soon to be fiancee). We just found out we are expecting our first child together and we are so excited. It's all I can think about. We also have two adorable pups, Bentley (a
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