yamilicious from a place somewhere!hahahahahaha!

Member since Sep 15, 2011
I'm a big fan of anime shows:inuyasha ,clannad,eden of the east,ect! i love michael jackson and ig for now that is it!
I wanna im gonna be a singer in a few weeks or maybe months because someone i know has friends that has a recording studio and i have a awsome voice!
Music: my favorite songz are wait for you by elliott, itty bitty piggy by nicki minaj, and open the door by genuiwine! i have a lot more but i might fall asleep typing them! haha lol xD
Movies: my first favorite movie is michael jackson this is it! my second one is inuyasha, my third one is inuyasha movie 2, 4th one is inuyasha 3rd movie, and last but not least inuyasha 4th movie. thats a lot of inuyasha lol!
About Me: i have 8 other siblings in my family! and someday i will die because of annoyance! i am 12. my birth date is 11/19/98. and i am a girl duh1 my name is yamiletta, but u can call me yami. umm im awsome my bestie is gabby for now! luv u ppls that i dunno!
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