yellow rockz
yellow rockz from <3

Member since Jul 02, 2009
I'm a big fan of the Shins, Ed Sheeran, One Republic, Best Coast, Lana Del Ray, That 70's Show, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Birdy, photography
I wanna travel the world. I want to live a life that is meaningful with people who I care for. I want to make the world a better place and stay a child for as long as I can while I still have limits.
Music: One Republic, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, Tayler Swift, Mike Posner,Sara Bareilles, The Script, Adele, the Shins, Jason Maraz, , Kina Grannis, Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran, The Black Keys, Wolf Gang, the Beattles, Journey, Best Coast, Birdy
Movies: Inception, The Artist, Mean Girls, Batman Rises, Disney Classics,
About Me: "Cool is Overrated....Be a Geek for what you love." Please vote for my designs. Thank you so much:)
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