

Member since Jun 07, 2012
I'm a big fan of ONE DIRECTION ♥, pretty little liars, disney channel ,..
I wanna have FUNNN and live a good life:) cause YOLO .thats the motto!
Music: HIP HOP :)--1D, selena gomez, drake, taylor swift, demi lovato, justin bieber, beyonce, rihanna, chris brown,nicki minaj, adele,.etc
Movies: Comedy & SCARYY! :P But mostly any movie that is absolutely AMAZAYN!
About Me: im sexy and i knoe it !! jkjjkjkj lmao :) VAS HAPPENIN? ... this is weird site, dressing up a bunch of dolls! TEHEHE (; ........ Okay Lets Actually Talk Abt Me LOL So, im nice, kind,helpful,shy, funny ! LUV YALL ♥ Pahaha later strangers! ;) T