yukiai90 from Arlington,Tx The begginer for a future star!

Member since Aug 15, 2012
I'm a big fan of Black veil brides, Jeffree star, Blood on te dance floor, My chemical romance, Mest, Red jumpsuit apparetus, Scotty Vanity, Bryan Starrs, Attack! Attck!, Alice in chains, AcDc, Nirvana, Lost prophets, Meg and Dia, Etc.
I wanna Practice to my hearts content, to make it on the voice. Become a rock singer. Help my family out. Marry the perfect one. And live my life the way I want, not how sociaty expects.
Music: Rock, Pop, Pop rock, Blues, Opera, Hip hop, Rap, world, Basically everthing.
Movies: Everything, but especially horror
About Me: I'm 14. Name's Taylor. I am unique but have been qlassified as Emo, and don't mind. I hate haters. I'm bi. I love to sing dance and write. Well ,the arts. I'm not tottaly smart, as you can tel, from my poor spelling. I'm homeschooled. I love my friends an