zoey1478 from tennssee iwas born from florida go gators

Member since Aug 29, 2011
I'm a big fan of eminemm rascal flats taylor swift chris brown katey perry ICP it rules and if some dont like it they can kiss it
I wanna be a vet i want to met every pop star and i want to travel around the world
Music: Icp tht meand insane clown posse they rule rap and contry mostley icp
Movies: twilight knuckle head 8mile camp rock camp rock 2 fed movie and alot more
About Me: hay im zoey but my real mname is makayla i love tpo go to school but i also love to hang around boys alot tht my number one thang to do so if u know anyone like me hook me up and sernd me a friend requset becuase i like to know people an im 16 so ihit me