

Allforanime from a place but im going to either busche gardens, wet n wild, or hershey park soon. Please give me feedback on where to go.
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Member since Jun 15, 2010
I'm a big fan of Anime, japan, bleach(anime), this website. Cats, fish, Renji. Haruhi Suzumiya, Higurashi, drawing anime. Dress-up games,cosplay, internet. Castle Crashers, X-Box Live, Halo, viva pinata, traveing, adventure, Hawaii(Maui), funions, coke, hating school
I wanna be a doctor :)
Music: mainly anime music(in Japanese)Dear you cry,dear you kind, dear you hope, dear you feel, dear you, dear you remix, etc. God Knows, Hare Hare Yukai, Bouken deso deso, etc. :)
Movies: about ninja space pirates
About Me: my cats name is Bob and my name is Jess and my b-day is july 24th (coming next month :D) I am a Leo =(>w<)=

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