CharlieGirl from Death City , Jhoto Region 

Member since Jan 20, 2012
I'm a big fan of SOUL EATER, Poke'mon, The Secret Saturdays, Invader Zim, Ghost Adventures, Child's Play series, Bobobo-bo bobobo, Role Playing, Fan Fiction, Live Action Role Playing, OCs
I wanna Be a computer editor, Anime character designer, Voice actor for Animes/Cartoons , a Cryptozoologist , and one of the people in the background of a horror of disaster movie that gets killed/slaughtered .
Music: Nightcored ANYTHING. I like Lady GaGa and Christian music. I also love Korean pop, and Japanese pop. My favorite songs are ones hardly anyone I know in real life knows them. Like the theme songs to Poke'mon or SOUL EATER. ANIME <3 4EVER
Movies: 1# The Nightmare Before Christmas, 2# Corpse Bride, 3# Coraline, 4# Seed of Chucky, 5# Bride of Chucky, 6# Child's Play 1, 7# Child's Play 2, 8# Child's Play 3, 9# The Book of Eli, 10# Poke'mon the movie, 11# Poke'mon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, 12#
About Me: If you total up all of my RPcharacters for all the shows/movies/books I do, It`s more than 500. I`m a Christian. And I like gothic stuff even though I dress like Ke$ha and Lady GaGa. People usually ignore me because I put to much information on my account
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